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The beneficial effects of JIAIDO


Jiaido takes a holistic view of human existence. Accordingly, it works simultaneously on all levels of our being: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. 

spiritual level  our very being, our essence, our essence, that which we all have in common.

This is what the middle Japanese kanji inscription in the logo, the word JIAIDO itself, symbolizes. The closer we get to the center, the happier we become. The more we know and love ourselves, the more satisfied we are with our existence.

And the Path to self-love leads through the physical, mental and emotional levels.


 Physical development 

  • Enhances energy and vigor

  • Strengthens muscles

  • Develops the sense of balance

  • Improves body coordination  and flexibility

  • Advances body awareness

  • Boosts the immune system

  • Stimulates blood circulation, refreshes the brain

  • Deep breathing detoxifies and increases the supply of oxygen to all the cells in the body

 Emotional development 

  • Develops self-esteem and self-confidence

  • Advances emotional stability

  • Awakes inner power

  • Brings patience and calmness to ourselves and others

  • Creates broad and deepening capacity to give and receive love

  • Helps you build and maintain healthy and honest relationships that are based on trust, acceptance, tolerance, respect, and love

 Mental development 

  • Develops concentration skills

  • Promotes the ability to solve complex problems

  • Helps to cope with stress

  • Develops self-discipline

  • Raises awareness in everyday life

  • Clears the mind from unproductive thoughts

  • Brings calmness and clarity

  • Develops attention, expands the ability to learn new things


Developing body awareness is the first and most fundamental step towards shaping the awareness of our life and our whole being. Our relationship with the physical body, the way we use our body, clearly indicate what is going on inside us. It shows our personality, the structure of our mind, our relationship to the world. Thus, developing and refining our movements is about much more than mastering a new form of movement. With the JIAIDO method, we actually work directly on our inner world, in the depths of our subconscious, which is invisible to most people throughout their lives and very difficult to access without help. While moving, our health and fitness improve, and along with that we learn to manage our emotions and thoughts. With the help of active meditation, we can fulfill our lives at the highest level. The beneficial results of the work are quickly reflected in our general well-being, behavior, decisions and relationships. By developing body awareness, i.e. focusing on the body and our movements, we take the first step towards the universal awareness that reveals the basic principles of existence, which leads to the wisdom necessary for a permanently happy life. During the development of body awareness, the first step is to strengthen the ability to correct body position. We learn to move evenly in different rhythms, balance and coordinate individual body parts during complex movements. We develop a healthy, attentive and caring relationship with our body, we get to know the body's own language and needs. At the advanced level of development work, JIAIDO tries to direct attention from the external world and events to our inner reality for as long as possible. The technique teaches us to simultaneously focus on our body sensations and breathing on subtle levels during movement. It brings silence, calm and harmony. Harmful thought patterns are rewritten through form exercises (katas) and attention returns to the center of our being. ​With JIAIDO, we can gradually develop a loving and conscious relationship with our body.


Our emotions seem to control our daily lives. We react, communicate and make decisions based on how we feel at that moment. We relate to our environment very differently when we are happy, sad, angry, excited or worried. Our behavior and relationships are decisively influenced by emotions, and they are responsible for our successes and results to a significant extent. Regardless of whether we fall into the emotional or rational category, emotions are the backbone of our lives. Every human being has a burning desire for so-called pleasant emotions and an effort to avoid the pain and suffering caused by unpleasant emotions as much as possible. The effort to create an emotional balance - to get out of the extremes of fragrant, fragile highs and seemingly eternal lows - is common. The difficulty begins with the fact that - despite the fact that they play a dominant role in our daily lives - we rarely look at emotions honestly, we don't take the time to learn to tame them. It is often difficult to express honestly what is going on inside us at the level of words. Most of us don't take action, or if we do, we don't know where to look for the confident practical knowledge of how to use our emotions instead of our emotions using us. Emotions are nothing more than nature's survival tool. It is a kind of language, a means of communication, which long preceded the development of speech in our being. This is the specific language of the subconscious, which generates different body sensations and communicates through them, sending a signal to external or internal events. These feelings and signals lead us to certain decisions and actions, they persuade us to do or avoid something in order to "save and help our lives". At the same time, emotion also gives us the ability to express to others what is happening inside us at a given moment. Emotion is nothing but energy in motion. Energy that waves, changes, flows. It has a beginning, it develops, it grows stronger, it reaches its climax, then it dissipates, it slowly disappears, and then it transforms into another emotion. The misconception that we suffer because of the emotions themselves, the suffering is actually caused by our ingrained attitude towards the emotions, the feeling packages, our conditioning, so to speak. For example, anger can be a natural reaction, a very appropriate response in a given situation. But when we were punished as children for expressing our anger, we learned to suppress it, so as adults we may end up feeling sad or despairing rather than venting our anger. It may be that if the conditioning has been so strong or has lasted so long, we may not even realize what is causing our sadness or the occasional outburst. Therefore, the first step is to recognize our emotions, identify them and then express them in a healthy way. Through JIAIDO, we become much more aware of emotions. We learn to recognize and understand them both in ourselves and in others. Their shades and forms of expression emerge more sharply and we become able to utilize this hundred-faced, constantly moving energy in a creative and constructive manner. Thanks to JIAIDO, the emotional memories stored in the depths of our body are released, which can hinder the fulfillment of our lives for years at work or in our private life. The four rhythms used in the dojo - especially the fiery and the powerful - create the opportunity for everyone to freely experience and express intense emotions in a consciously planned and guided practice. Overall, advanced emotion management enables us to have a more open attitude towards our environment, and we manage our behavior and relationships better. By reconciling emotions, clarity, decision-making skills and stable willpower appear, with the help of which we can achieve our goals. We can manage, discipline and control our reactions and expressions instead of suppressing them. And last but not least, we can get rid of the extreme emotional fluctuations that are well known to everyone, so that we can finally travel in a balanced and harmonious way throughout our lives.


Are you ready to discover what awaits you beyond your imagined borders? Openness is one of the most important qualities we need in our lives. The ability to accept is essential if, regardless of age, we want to grow and get to know ourselves and the world around us at any stage of our lives. Being open means that we are constantly ready to learn new things, develop, receive new impulses and dare to step - even despite our fears - into the unknown beyond the usual.​ This can certainly cause difficulties at times, since most of us tend to consider our own beliefs, values, ideology, rules, and logic as the only existing reality. However, we have to put ALL these aside at least for a while in order to be able to understand another's point of view, or even broaden our own point of view. Of course, this does not mean that we blindly replace our existing ideas with new ones, but we give ourselves the opportunity to change them at any time with discretion. In short, openness means that we dare to live honestly. We realize that there are things we don't know, that we don't have the answer to everything, that we are not always right. This requires a quiet mind, inner stability, and humility. Otherwise, the opposite of openness remains; aloofness, stubbornness, inflexibility, ignorance and arrogance. Being open means being receptive, tolerant, patient and understanding with others. We are receptive to opinions different from our own and are basically willing to follow the rules created by a force greater than us; life. Why does JIAIDO emphasize this? We live in a constantly changing world, more so than ever before. We need a calm, open mind and flexibility in order to be able to keep up with the many new things, to be able to connect deeply with ourselves and others, to move with the flow of life. ​The more open and receptive we live, the more space opens up in and around us, the freer we become. Our image of ourselves and the world expands and this leads to wisdom. Thus, developing and refining our movements is about much more than mastering a new form of movement. With the JIAIDO method, we actually work directly on our inner world, in the depths of our subconscious, which is invisible to most people throughout their lives and very difficult to access without help. While moving, our health and fitness improve, and along with that we learn to manage our emotions and thoughts. With the help of active meditation, we can fulfill our lives at the highest level. The beneficial results of the work are quickly reflected in our general well-being, behavior, decisions and relationships. By developing body awareness, i.e. focusing on the body and our movements, we take the first step towards the universal awareness that reveals the basic principles of existence, which leads to the wisdom necessary for a permanently happy life. During the development of body awareness, the first step is to strengthen the ability to correct body position. We learn to move evenly in different rhythms, balance and coordinate individual body parts during complex movements. We develop a healthy, attentive and caring relationship with our body, we get to know the body's own language and needs. At the advanced level of development work, JIAIDO tries to direct attention from the external world and events to our inner reality for as long as possible. The technique teaches us to simultaneously focus on our body sensations and breathing on subtle levels during movement. It brings silence, calm and harmony. Harmful thought patterns are rewritten through form exercises (katas) and attention returns to the center of our being. ​With JIAIDO, we can gradually develop a loving and conscious relationship with our body.

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