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6 months self love and self knowledge course with JIAIDO movement meditation

The beginner JIAIDO course aims at bringing a new perspective, a possibility to get to know ourselves in a new dimension.

The focus of the course is self knowledge which leads to the direction of self love and self respect.

For that we need to understand the mechanisms and processes of the body-mind-emotions and how each of these can be coordinated and managed by bringing more awareness to our existence.


This course will give a wider perspective of ourselves on a different level, and provide practical tools to manage our emotional and mental difficulties and issues, which will also improve our relation with ourselves and others.  

The course is designed in such a way that physical practice is combined with theoretical classes to make the whole process more clear and easier to follow.

As the theoretical classes are an organic part of the course, participating in them is obligatory. 

The 6 months program contains:

  • weekly 2x60 minutes JIAIDO movement meditation practices

  • 3 theoretical lecture occasions run by Ajiit, the founding master of JIAIDO

Beginning: dates coming soon

Practice classes: Monday and Wednesday 18:15 - 19:15

Theory lessons: dates coming soon

Location: JIAIDO Academy, Budapest XIII. district, Vág u. 19. 

JIAIDO MOVEMENT MEDITATION (600 × 600 pixels).png

The value of the 6-month program:

  • 6 JIAIDO monthly passes: 6 x HUF 22,000 = HUF 132,000

  • 3 theoretical sessions: 3 x HUF 6,000 = HUF 18,000
    Total: HUF 150,000

Discounted price:
In the case of a lump sum payment: HUF 120,000 

You can pay the program fee by bank transfer. 


International JIAIDO Association - MagNet Bank


There is opportunity to join the Beginners classes of JIAIDO movement meditation out of the course as well. 

For details, please, read Beginners group page.

Sign up 
6 months Self love and self-knowledge course
Mondays-Wednesdays 6 - 7 pm.
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